
Our thoughts...

Successful enterprise change starts at the top.


Organisational change effects different people in very different ways.  How each person will be effected cannot always be determined until after the change has taken place.  Implementing a new system is a very stressful and frustrating process at times and often the bigger picture is not always seen.

People don't like change.  Change is hard and most of the time means more work.  People don't like change because they are comfortable in the way that they do things and they understand it.  

Organisations generally implement new systems to streamline processes and decrease costs.  These costs are sometimes decreased by reducing staff members and this causes negativity towards the new system.  Staff members also fear they will not understand or be able to use the new system in the same efficient manner they are currently able to perform their job in and this too will potentially result in job loss.

It is important that top management are across the implementation.  They need to understand how the project is progressing and they need to prepare their staff members.  They need to make sure they fully support the new system but at the same time understand the staff member's frustrations and try to keep them positive.

Any negativity or lack of confidence seen from Management is very quickly spread all the way the the end users and the implementation is destined to fail.